First Post

December 19, 2019

This is my first post on my re-designed personal website! How exciting!

I’m sure I’ll write a lot more interesting things in the future. Mostly, my posts will be around the stuff I know and the stuff I learn along the way. And since I am picking up this new habit of writing, I’m pretty sure there will be a lot of mistakes initially. But I promise to improve over the time.

Just in case, if you are surprised by the speed of my website, then let me tell you that it’s no magic. I built this using GatsbyJS and so far it has been going great. I am yet to see how fast it remains when I have like 1k+ posts on my blog. But that’s a thing for the future. For now, I have been enjoying working with GatsbyJS and though there is a slight learning curve, it is totally worth it.

That’s all for now. Will ensure my next post is less erratic :)

Written by Akshit Sethi. You can follow me on Twitter.